
Showing posts from March, 2015


OUR VISIT TO THENNANGUR VITTAL KRISHNA TEMPLE As planned on 22nd september 2008, PRLs and AVKs started our journey to thennangur temple. On the way at Tiruvallore AVKs had some personal work.We left early morning from T. Nagar via KK Nagar and porur. Instead of taking the route via ambattur, avadi we took the poonamalle route. On the way we stopped at HIGHWAY restaurant for our breakfast. We took the road proceeding to Tirupati via tiruvallore. On the way we inquired the location where we wanted to go viz veppampatti and proceeded via small villages with kutcha road. Finally we hit on the highway from the other side and reached the destination. After completing the work there we proceeded to Tiruvellore. On the way we had our lunch at HOTEL VIMA the regular joint for all TIRUPATI tourists. That day there was heavy shortage for diesel and we took diesel from a wayside shop and proceeded further. Our road travel is through Tiruvallore, Tiruttani, Kancheepuram and vandavasi. At Kan

Water bears in space and on my garage roof

The cushions of moss that grow on my garage roof are a rich source of microscopic wildlife, including these little tardigrades, also known as ‘water bears’ or ‘moss pigs’. These are up to a fifth of a millimetre long, with eight legs that end in claws that allow them to clamber amongst the leaves of mosses. Tardigrades feed on mosses in the same way that greenfly feed on larger plants, by spearing the plant with a hypodermic syringe-like stylet and draining out the sap - you can see the green cell contents inside the gut of one of the tardigrades in these pictures. The most amazing thing about tardigrades is that they are virtually indestructible. When their habitat begins to dry out they develop into a barrel-shaped resting cyst call a ‘tun’, and in this state can survive in a state of extreme dehydration for decades. While in the tun stage they can survive extreme environmental conditions – even extreme vacuum and cosmic radiation in space – see

Blood clot What is blood clotting

Blood clot is a jelly-like mass of congealed blood. Blood clotting is the normal way the body stops bleeding and begins healing, following injury. Blood clotting involves complex chemical reactions between many substances that are present in the blood plasma. Absence of one of these substances results in the disorder hemophilia. A clot within a blood vessel is called a thrombus. What is thrombosis? Sometimes the blood clot can block an artery or vein and stop the flow of blood (thrombosis). Cerebral thrombosis is a blood clot in an artery to the brain, which can cause a stroke. Thrombosis can occur in a leg or pelvic vein (deep vein thrombosis). If this clot dislodges and moves through the bloodstream, it may block an artery in the lungs (pulmonary embolus). Some people are more susceptible to blood clots than others. Patients with arteriosclerosis are more likely to get blood clots because the inner walls of the blood vessels are rough. Blood clotting also occurs more easily if the ci


photo from WASHINGTON: People with autism have too many synapses -- the connectors by which brain cells send and pick up signals -- According to a novel study that may steer to a treatment for the complex disorder. . Autism: Autism is a disorder of brain and affects the brains normal development of social and communication sciences .  This disease is usually observed in young children and appears in the first three years of life. Autism occurs four to five times more frequently in boys than girls . Some babies may show early signs while some dont. Autistic people have difficulties in social interaction and verbal and nonverbal communications. Causes: Genetics   is the major factor that causes autism.  The other factors that cause this disease are: Diet Mercury Poisoning Vaccine sensitivity NOTE:    These causes have been suspected, but not proven. The failure of normal operation of tossing away old and degraded cells results in   extra synapses   in   autistic brai

Shiva Prarthana Invocation Maha Mrityunjay Mantra CD Kedar Pandit


Chakras How many chakras do we have According Hindu philosophy humans have 7 major and 21 minor Chakras. Interesting enough, for Chinese acupuncturists we have hundreds of thousands of minor body Chakras viewed by many as important healing points. These run through the human body in regular energy patterns and waves, being located both inside and outside the body. What  do the chakras look like? The Chakras are often described as "lotus flowers" or spirals of energy, located in specific points of the human body. They are also located on top of specific nervous centres or glands that often rule the functioning of our body. As pictured above and below . Hence, the Chakras can also be perceived, as a sort of long "funnels" receiving and transmitting universal and earthly energy. Chakras and what are they The  Chakras is sanskirt  for wheeland in Hindu and Buddhist yogic literature the chakras are thought to be energy vortices  of the bodyand  are the energy centres th


Kalyanasundaram Ramachandaran MATHEMATICS IN CHAMAKAM Mathematics is a part of our daily life in several ways. Hence, it is no wonder that it has come to occupy an important place in religio us rituals also. This is what we find particularly in the Hindu way of life or the Hindu religion. Worshippers of Lord Siva recite Rudram with 11 sections followed by Chamakam with 11 sections as a routine prayer every day. This is called the daily nyasam or mode of worship. In the Rudram part, the devotee pays repeated obeisance to Lord Siva and prays for his blessings for human well being. But on special occasions, the number of times the recitation is done is increased. In Rudra Ekadasi, Rudram is recited 11 times and Chamakam is recited once. After Rudram is recited once, one section or anuvaka of Chamakam is recited in order. In Laghu rudhram, Rudra Ekadasi is done 11 times, that is, Rudram is recited 112 or 121 times and Chamakam is recited 11 times. In Maharudram, 11 Laghurudram

Formal Dinner Invitation Wording Formulas for Invitations

A dinner-party is the most formal and most important of all social functions. We may invite all our acquaintances to a ball or a reception. We may select more carefully for our teas and luncheons, but the dinner is reserved as the greatest compliment to be paid those we wish to honor. Therefore an immediate acceptance or regret must be sent, and nothing but illness, accident or death should prevent us from presenting ourselves. If such obstacles intervene, immediate notice should be given the hostess, that she may supply the place at her table thus made vacant. Do not write you will "try to come;" that you will come but your husband will not be able to do so, or in any way make your acceptance conditional. Your hostess may wish to invite another couple; she must know who will be present that she may arrange her table accordingly. Nothing is so annoying to a hostess as to be obliged to rearrange her table because of some slight excuse on the part of a guest who has once accept

Decubitus ulcer Pressure sore Bedsore

Decubitus ulcer or also known as Bedsore or pressure sore , is a skin and tissue injury caused by impaired blood supply and tissue nutrition. It is caused by prolonged pressure over bony prominences due to lying too long in the same position. The parts of the body most likely to be affected are the pressure areas: the bone at the lower end of the spine (the sacrum), the buttocks, and the heels. The shoulder blades and elbows may also develop these sores. The area first becomes slightly red with cracked skin, which turns dark blue before ulcerating as dead tissues disintegrate. Pressure ulcer prevention Patients who cannot move themselves must be moved every few hours. Patients must not sit in bed or in a chair for long periods. The patient should be lifted, not slid, when moved. The skin is to be kept clean and dry. Bedclothes must be kept clean, dry, and free from creases. Additional protection can be given to the pressure areas by using foam pads and real or artificial sheepskin. A

Overheating sweet potato

One of the best ways to learn more about food is to grow some of the fruit and vegetables from exotic fresh produce that you can buy in supermarkets. Over the years Ive grown avocados, litchi, rice, lentils, chickpeas, figs, citrus fruits, lemon grass, ginger, chilli, cape gooseberries, squashes, passionfruit, sesame and pomegranates from supermarket produce - but this was the first time Id ever grown sweet potatoes Ipomoea batatas . After a slow start the tuber produces some healthy vigorous shoots but then .... ...... these white granules appeared on the leaves. At first I thought they might be some small insect pest but ... .... a closer look revealed that they were part of the leaf surface ....and under the microscope ... ..... they turned out to be clusters of swollen, glassy secretory hairs, known botanically as colleters. Theyre present on upper and lower leaf surfaces. At higher magnification you can see how inflated the hairs are. They are full of what appears to be .... .....


A cell is a unit of structure and function in living organisms. In multicellular organisms there is a division of labor among cells. Different cells are specialized for different functions. The function of the organism as a whole is the result of the sum of activities and interactions of different cells and of different components of the cell. In animals e.g. muscle cells, contract and relax, nerve cells transmit impulses, gland cells secrete, red blood cells carry oxygen and some stomach cells secrete gastric juice. Similarly in plants xylem cells conduct water and mineral salts from soil to the aerial parts of the plant. Phloem cells translocate food, sclerenchymatous cells give support to the plants, chlorenchymatous cells carry out photosynthesis, parenchymatous cells store surplus food and Meristematic cells produce new cells for growth and development of the plant. As they perform different functions they show great variation in shape and size. Despite the structural and function

why soup is healthy and good food

Even today, with all the debates going on about right and wrong food, nobody doubts the good effects of soups in our body. Hot soup in particular has numerous health benefits. Soup is made by boiling ingredients in water or broth until the ingredients become tender and the flavor is extracted. Drinking this liquid, the body can then absorb and assimilate these nutrients quickly without having to digest and break down the meat and vegetables. It is an ideal way to obtain loads of nutrients minus the calories! Soup is made by boiling ingredients in water or broth until the ingredients become tender and the flavor is extracted. Drinking this liquid, the body can then absorb and assimilate these nutrients quickly without having to digest and break down the meat and vegetables. It is an ideal way to obtain loads of nutrients minus the calories! Soups have many health benefits like: # They are the most nutritive method of consuming vegetables because the vitamins and nutrients in the soup ar

Inner Mysteries of a Midge Larva

Small aquatic organisms - like this midge larva that came from the water butt outside my greenhouse - are conveniently transparent, so you can watch the internals workings of their bodies with amazing clarity under the microscope. The short video clip here shows a wave of muscular contraction driving food through this insect larvas gut.

Mitey Fine Claws

This little animal is an acarine mite - a minute but close relative of the more familiar spiders. Both have eight legs but mites are arachnids with a simple globular body, unlike spiders whose bodies are divided into a thorax that bears the legs and an abdomen, separated by a narrow waist. Terrestrial mites are present in vast numbers in damp vegetation at soil level, while aquatic species are in just about every pond. The land living species like those pictured here are equipped with impressive claws (bottom photo), reminiscent of Captain Hook’s hook in Peter Pan, that they use for clambering through the branches of mosses, while aquatic species have hairy fringes on their legs that aid swimming. The aquatic species have complex life cycles, spending their early stages of development as parasites on other pond animals, and there is still much to discover about their way of life – a real research opportunity for amateur naturalists with patience and a microscope at their disposal. To f


Wolves Living and hunting in packs, wolves are wild dogs  that come from the same group as the dingo and  coyote. They can reach speeds of 65 km/h (40 mph) when chasing prey and include a number of species such as the gray wolf (also known as the grey wolf  or timber wolf), red wolf, arctic wolf, mexican wolf  and white wolf. Read on for more interesting information and enjoy our full list of wolf facts. Wolves are excellent hunters and have been found to be living in more places in the world than any other mammal except humans. The wolf is the ancestor of all breeds of domestic dog. It is part of a group of animals called the wild dogs which also includes the dingo and the coyote. Most wolves weigh about 40 kilograms but the heaviest wolf ever recorded weighed over 80 kilograms! Adult wolves have large feet. A fully grown wolf would have a paw print nearly 13 centimetres long and 10 c

The Challenges of Writing Nonfiction for Beginning Readers

As a childrens book author, I write nonfiction mostly. Quite a few of those books are for beginning readers. The challenges of writing for this group are considerable. With a limited word count you have to write simply and clearly, while keeping your readers attention. This is also true for those who write fiction, of course. With nonfiction, though, the writer has the added onus of having to distill complex ideas so that a six-year-old can understand them. Take biography. Imagine you are writing a bio of a United States president, say, Abraham Lincoln. You dont know what your young reader already knows about Abe, so you have to start from scratch. How do you cover Lincolns beginnings, his early years as a lawyer, his presidency, slavery, the Civil War, and his death in under 2,000 words? If you are author Martha Brenner, you dont. Instead of attempting a traditional biography, Brenner chose the conceit of Lincolns stovepipe hat to frame her early reader of our sixteenth presidents lif


Leopards Part of the cat family, leopard’s bodies are built for hunting. They are solitary animals, hunting at night and often drag their food up trees for safe keeping.  Read on for more interesting information and leopard facts. * Leopards are part of the cat family, Felidae. The scientific name for a leopard is Panthera pardus. * Leopards are well known for their cream and gold spotted fur, but  some leopards have black fur with dark spots. These black leopards  are often mistaken for panthers. * Adult leopards are solitary animals. Each adult leopard has its own territory where it lives and, although they often share parts of it, they try to avoid one another. * A leopard’s body is built for hunting. They have sleek, powerful bodies and can run at speeds of up to 57 kilometres per hour. They are also  excellent swimmers and climbers and can leap and jump long distances. * A leopard’s tail is just about as long as its entire body. This helps it with balance and enables it to m