A cell is a unit of structure and function in living organisms. In multicellular organisms there is a division of labor among cells. Different cells are specialized for different functions. The function of the organism as a whole is the result of the sum of activities and interactions of different cells and of different components of the cell. In animals e.g. muscle cells, contract and relax, nerve cells transmit impulses, gland cells secrete, red blood cells carry oxygen and some stomach cells secrete gastric juice.

Similarly in plants xylem cells conduct water and mineral salts from soil to the aerial parts of the plant. Phloem cells translocate food, sclerenchymatous cells give support to the plants, chlorenchymatous cells carry out photosynthesis, parenchymatous cells store surplus food and Meristematic cells produce new cells for growth and development of the plant. As they perform different functions they show great variation in shape and size. Despite the structural and functional diversity, the plant cells as well as animal cells have a common plan of organization.


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